a) For 20 Mins
Even Mins - 5 x Power Snatches
Odd Mins - 5 to 10 x Strict Pull Ups
b) 21 18 15 12 9
Overhead Squats (95, 65)
KB Swings (24, 16)
Push Ups
EMOM for 5 Mins - 5 x Power Cleans
1 Min Rest
EMOM for 5 Mins - 4 x Power Cleans
1 Min Rest
EMOM for 5 Mins - 3 x Power Cleans
1 Min Rest
EMOM for 5 Mins - 1 x Power Clean
b) For 20 Mins
Even Mins - 12 x Strict HSPU
Odd Mins - 10 x Strict Pull Ups
21 to 3 x Ring Dips
2 x Legless Rope Climbs Between Sets
Can anyone believe that this super-human is leaving us?!?
Siobhan is heading to warmer climates, to be a CrossFit Trainer in Bali! We are sad to see you go Siobhan, but happy for your new adventure! We can only imagine how tanned you will be up there wink emoticon
Please join us for Siobhan's Farewell drinks, this Saturday at Prahran Hotel from 8pm!